Single Storey Prefabricated Houses

Soru Cevap

It wouldn't be incorrect to say that there are many people who want to build a prefabricated house and live a peaceful life. Besides being a safe option, one of the significant features that make prefabricated houses preferred is that they can be obtained economically without the financial strain of a reinforced concrete structure. Among the most frequently asked questions about prefabricated houses is how many years they can be used. A prefabricated house built with proper permits and under suitable conditions typically has a lifespan of around 50 years. However, one of the most important factors to mention regarding prefabricated houses is that regular maintenance is essential. With proper maintenance and the use of quality materials, the lifespan of a prefabricated house can extend up to 70 years. This aspect ranks at the top of the list of advantages gained from using prefabricated houses.

Prefabrik house models can be preferred, especially by those seeking earthquake-resistant homes. In a country like Turkey, which is prone to earthquakes due to its geopolitical location, prefabrik houses are among the choices if you want to have a peaceful and secure structure. Many different factors, such as the materials used in construction and being single-story, contribute to their earthquake resistance. Consequently, you might emerge from unavoidable natural disasters like earthquakes with minimized damage. Prefabricated houses, designed to flex during earthquakes, do not lead to unwanted problems like collapse or debris formation. Therefore, if you experience earthquake concerns and seek to reside in a suitable structure, single-story prefabrik house models could be a good option for you.

The most important question in the minds of many people who want to have a prefabricated house built and shape it with a single-storey design is whether there are any disadvantages to using a single-storey prefabricated house. While single-storey prefabricated houses offer functional and ergonomic use, they provide you with comfort and elegance at the same time. The most important disadvantage that can be mentioned about prefabricated houses is that they have noise permeability due to the lack of cold and sound insulation in winter months. However, the disadvantages can be minimized if it is done by craftsmen who have expert knowledge of prefabricated house models. With successful thermal insulation, single-storey prefabricated houses can be used throughout 4 seasons. The same applies to sound insulation. If sound insulation is done successfully, there will be no sound flow from outside to inside or from inside to outside. This makes life much more comfortable. ​

If you want to live in a single-storey prefabricated house but think that you can only live in the summer months, you should know that this is a misconception. The single-storey prefabricated house can be used throughout 4 seasons thanks to thermal insulation. Thus, it plays a successful role in eliminating unwanted cold weather and providing a more comfortable living space.

As with reinforced concrete structures, planning permission is required and mandatory for prefabricated structures. It is not possible to build a single-storey prefabricated house in any area that does not have zoning permission, and it is not legal. ​

Single-storey prefabricated house prices have a price range varying between 200,000 TL and 600,000 TL. However, the user's special requests and factors to be considered during home construction may cause the price to be higher or lower. Therefore, it would not be correct or possible to give a single piece of information about prefabricated house prices. After the project, the most accurate information will be given to you by the experts who will carry out the construction. However, the most important feature of prefabricated houses that attracts such intense interest is that they are a more economical option compared to reinforced concrete structures.

Many different materials such as steel poles, concrete slabs, stone and glass wool are used in the construction of single-storey prefabricated houses. If you have never seen a prefabricated house before or have not done research on its construction, you may feel insecure because it is completed in a short time. However, prefabricated houses are as safe as reinforced concrete structures and are made with first-class materials.

Single-storey prefabricated house models attract attention because they offer a privileged living space. In addition to zoning and license permits, you can have a single-storey prefabricated house built in the area you want, through the application document. The characteristics of the area you will build and your expectations from the house may cause single-storey prefabricated house price ranges to vary. Thanks to these houses, which you will receive in a short time, you can move them to your living spaces without wasting time. You should take care to obtain the necessary permits before the project. Otherwise, you may encounter various problems. The project process begins once the necessary permits are obtained. It takes approximately 15 days for the designs required for the project, the production of the materials to be used, and the completion of the construction by combining the materials. You can move it home after 15 days.
